Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hide your Last Name on Facebook

this simple tutorial will removed your last name on your facebook account.
Requirements: Google Chrome , Indonesian Proxy.

  • Open Google Chrome and go to Settings>Show Advance Settings under Network Click Change Proxy Settings.
  • Under Connection Click the Lan Settings
  • We will now add the Indonesian Proxy, under proxy server add this Address: port:3129 click ok.
  • Log in now on your Facebook Account and go to>Account Settings
  • Change the Language into Bahasa Indonesia save changes.
  • Click on Sunting 

  • Done removing your last Name.
  •  change the language into English Us .
  • now go back to settings on your browser change proxy settings and now uncheck the use proxy server for your LAN...

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Creating Password to protect your Document in Microsoft Word Windows 8

this will guide you on how to add password in your document so that you're the only who can open or modified it ..

1. open the word 2013 or open the document that you want to create a password.
2. Save the document.
  • File>Save as>click on computer>browse another dialog will prompt,browse where you want to save your documents>go to tools>general Option

3. create a password for Opening the Document and also create a password for modifying the document and click ok.

another dialog box will prompt and asking to reenter your password that you create in the "Password to Open" and  "Password to Modify"

click save.
so if ever you open your document it will asking to enter a password in order to open the file or document.

you can also apply it for other Microsoft Office such as excel,powerpoint,access.

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Create Text inside of Text Coreldraw.

this tutorial will show you on how to place text inside the container or to the text..i used the version of coreldraw x3  for this tutorial.

1. Open your Coreldraw and change the page orientation to landscape.

2. Create Text this will be our container.

  • to add text find the text tool on the tool box or simply click F8 , you can also change the font style and size of the text refer to the image below.

3. Create another text this will add or place into our container or the text that i created before.
  • i copied an article from google and  i pasted on corel.
  • change the color of the text.
  •  resize the text and fit it to the text 1.
4. Place the 2nd text into the container or to the Text 1.
  • to place the 2nd text select the text 2 and go to Effects>PowerClip>Place Inside Container and click on the text 1 or our container.

5. Adding transparency tool this will make our container become transparent and only the text will remain.
  • look for the transparency tool on the toolbox click it and follow the image below.

6. Adding Background Color.
  • create a rectangle  find the rectangle tool on the toolbox or simply F6 and draw a rectangle in the work space, this will be our background  you can also change the color of the rectangle refer to the step 3 on how to change color.

7. change the order of the background  to back one and place it into our object.
  • click on the background>right click>order>Back one or simply "CTRL + PgDown"
  • drag the background into our object.
this is the final result.

to save the image as .jpg go to file>export and click the export..
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Create Simple Logo Using Corel Draw

this is a simple basic tutorial on how to create your own logo or your school logo using Coreldraw in this tutorial i used the version of Coreldraw x3

1. Open your coreldraw and change the page orientation to landscape.
2. Creating 2 Circle
  • to create a circle go to the toolbox and find the Ellipse Tool or simply clicking F7
  • draw a circle into a workspace and change the size of a circle to 5 refer to the image below

  • create another circle using the Ellipse Tool and change the size to 3.8
3. Place the small circle inside on the bigger circle.
  • to place the small circle, click  the center of the circle, hold and drag to the bigger circle

4. Combining the Circle.
  • drag the 2 circle or CTRL + A to select all then right click >combine or simply CTRL + L

5. Changing the color of the circle
  • you can also change the color of the circle if you don't want the default color w/c is color white.

  • but this example i keep the default color w/c is color white.

6. Adding Text Inside The Circle
  • Add text and place it anywhere in the work space area.
    • you can change the font style,text and color 

  • After creating text we place it inside the circle

    • Select the text and go to text>fit text to path. and drag it inside the circle
7. Create another text and place it below inside the circle.

  • select again the text and select the mirror horizontally and vertically
  • now go to text> fit to path and  drag it below of the circle.
8. Add image or text to the center of the circle you can also add color refer to step 5.
  • in this example i created a text that contain binary to fit to my Logo
  • Place the text or image inside the center of the circle.
    • Select the text>PowerClip>Place Inside Container and click on the center.
  • Adding a Picture to the center, i put a picture aside from the text(this example image was i got on google)
    • to add picture go to file>import and browse the image.
  • Place the image to the center of the circle
    • select the image and go to>Effects>PowerClip>Place inside Container and click on the center of the circle.
9. Group All
  • Drag the logo to select all or simply click CTRL + A right click>group(to create as into one object)
This is the Final Result:
to save the image as .jpg go to file>export and click the export..

Applying Google Logo

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